Saturday, February 25, 2012

Passing the User ID and AD group as Parameter

I have a requirement where I need to pass the Users Windows userID and the AD group through which he is associated to the database so that I can get appropiate data.

Is there a way I can pass the Windows user ID and the AD group(through which he is authenticated in Reporting Serivces) through the Reporting Serivces as a parameter so that it can be used in the Reporting Query.


The UserID parameter in the report holds the username information including the logged on domainor machine. getting the AD Group in which the user is authenticated to view the report is a bit different as the user can be in multiple groups, though it can′t be identified which group the user has granted the effective permissions to the report. (if you are hit by a machine gun you probably won′t know which bullet killed you at the end :-) )

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.

As Jens says, UserID is just available using the internal object. For the AD group you should consider writing a custom assembly that performs the operation according to your business rules to decide which is THE group among the ones the user may pertain. I've not checked how difficult it will be to write such code in .Net but sounds not much complicated.

Best regards,
Jordi Rambla
MVP SQL Server
SolidQualityLearning|||Hi Siaj,

Were you able to figure this out? I am in need of the same functionality. I undertand .Net has a 'IsInGroup()' function that can check if a user is in a group but I am not sure how it goes...

Ben|||test|||Have you figured this out? I am in the same situation...


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