Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Password in config file


Config files doesn't seem to work for me :( i want to make a common config file for all of my packages but it is giving me error

Validation error. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager failed with error code 0xC0202009

I have placed pasword in my config file too. Following is config file which i m using, server name n password are masked.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DTSConfigurationFileInfo GeneratedBy="SSBKD\955688" GeneratedFromPackageName="DTS_ACPM_MarkIT_Indices_Composites_TRAC_X_Asia_Index" GeneratedFromPackageID="{CB3660A1-5E6C-4D08-A7F5-4D6CE83578E2}" GeneratedDate="2006/10/19 14:05:20"/>
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Connections[ssmgn838.ACPM.acpmuser].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>server=########;user id=sa;password=******;database=ACPM;
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Connections[Text File (Source)].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>C:\acpm\filetoupload\Copy of

If you take the ConnectionString from the configuration file and use it does the AcquiredConnection works?

The failure happens when you using DTExec or from designer?



problem came in AcquiredConnection

DTexec throws this error

even in designer it doesnt't identify password, i have to give it manually in my connection object.


Can you tell me what type of connection is this? Oledb

Also can you check what is the value for the Package property ProtectionLevel?


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